Monday 22 April 2013

Why Use Slurry Pumps?

Slurry pumps are robust and heavier versions of centrifugal pumps that are utilized to handle abrasive or tough applications. A typical centrifugal pump is used mainly for pulling out liquids, whereas slurry pumps are used for hydraulic transportation of solids. "Slurry Pump" is essentially a device used in transporting clay, mud, sand and silt in the size range of up to two millimeters. Sand pumps handle gravel and shingle transportation in the two to eight millimeter range, while gravel pumps can transport solids of up to fifty millimeter size. Dredge pumps, on the other hand, are used to handle solids up to or more than fifty millimeters.

Depending on the use, the pump can be installed wet, semi-dry or dry. Almost all horizontal slurry pumps are fitted dry with the drive and bearings protected from the slurry. Vertical tanks are also fitted dry. The pump casing, in such cases, is mounted right under the tank. Slurry is expelled horizontally and is fed from the tank. No sunken bearings are needed in such designs.

Semi-dry pumps come with special configurations. Some of them are used with flooded bearings. However, special sealing considerations have to be made for flooded bearings in such pumps. On the other hand, wet installations are required when there is a need for a completely submersed pump. These machines are used for lifting slurry from the sump where there is a highly fluctuating slurry level.

Before buying a slurry pump, it is important to consider the kind of application so that you choose a model that will perform efficiently in different conditions. It is also important to buy these pumps from genuine manufacturers and retailers, who offer guarantee and expert advice to make the selection process easy. The slurry pump usage and conditions, under which it can function, must be carefully understood before determining the exact pump to utilize for the application.

This piece of information is created and shared by Peter Moraitis. He is the National Sales Manager at Fura Inc. He loves to share his knowledge about booster pumps and Industrial Pump repair through his writing. 

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